The Best Sugar Substitute That Can Be Consumed

Sugar Substitute

Sugar items are stuff that many people enjoy and like to consume regularly. The craving for sugar items is so strong that many people aren’t able to avoid it. Other than this there are many items whose major component isn’t sugar but it is present in them. The problem with sugar is that when consumed in excess, it can lead to health issues like obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. This has made us find the various sugar substitute which is better for us and also fulfill the sweet taste. In this article, we will look at some of the sugar substitutes that you can also try regularly.

Honey: Honey is the best natural item that you can use as a sugar substitute. Not only does it have many medicinal properties but also satisfies the sweet content of your delicacies. It has high levels of fructose in it which contributes to the sweet taste. This also implies that you would require a lesser quantity of honey when compared to sugar in weight. Other than this, honey has antioxidant properties which should encourage you to use it in daily dishes like tea, cookies, or biscuits.

Molasses/Jaggery: Molasses and jaggery are a very good sugar substitute which can be used in daily cooking and food items. Jaggery is derived from sugarcane and is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also good for your digestion. The high levels of iron in it promote its use in treating anemic people for increasing the levels of hemoglobin. Jaggery can be used in a variety of foodstuff without actually making any difference in taste.

Dries Dates: Dried dates are considered a sugar substitute due to their strong sweet taste.  They are also good for health due to the antioxidant properties it has. It is also pretty rich in fiber content and is good for digestion. Dried dates find their application in smoothies and ice creams with many flavors completely based on it. It can be made into syrup which can be further used in many delicacies.


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