Few Unknown Things About Dark Web
The internet, in general, can be categorized into three – Surface Web, Deep Web, and Dark Web. The results that Google’s search algorithm generates whenever we search for something is known as the Surface Net and that consists of only 4% of the total! The rest 96 percent is Deep Web and Dark Web. Deep Web and Dark Web are more or less the same with Dark web being the superset of Deep Web with some extra complexities.
What is the Dark Web?
It refers to encrypted online content that is not listed by conventional search engines. Thus, normal search engines like Google, Yahoo, Yandex, etcetera don’t have the websites and content that Dark Web has. To access such a web one has to use a Virtual Private Network or can use browsers like Tor Browser. Everything on this web is not illegal but any illegal activity that takes place online is done on this web.
What are the illegal activities that take place on this web?
To begin with, the prime reason that led to the censoring of this web in many countries is the sale of weapons. Many countries like China, Turkey have censored various browsers because of this. Also, drug trafficking, human trafficking are also amongst those illegal activities that take place. There many other such activities like the sale of the skin of some extinct animal, drug smuggling, bank details of anyone, and many more. It is also said that the active members of some secret societies like the Illuminati communicate using this web. Recently a concept of Red room was busted by an expert wherein channels get paid for live-streaming the torture of some other person or some animal terrifying, isn’t it? All transactions on such a web take place in the form of cryptocurrency.
Are there any visible advantages of this web?
This web helps people to maintain the privacy of people and enables them to express their views freely without the concern of being retaliated. With social media posts and discussions being constantly monitored and tracked such masking of IP addresses helps users to be a part of some honest and important discussions. Finally, the most important one is the popularity of such a web with criminals makes it a perfect way for undercover police officers to try and discover the identities of such criminals.
Thus, this web has its advantages as well as disadvantages but given the magnitude of illegal activities, this web has been censored by various countries.
So to conclude, given all the activities that take place on the Dark Web it is in the favor of humanity, and oneself, to not use this web as the consequences of such mindless activity could be extremely severe!
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