How Education is Important in Personality Development


Education is a holistic process that cannot be confined to schools. It is a lifelong process. The regular happenings in day to day life educate us in one other way. The object of education is to awaken and develop in the child those physical, mental, intellectual, and moral states which are required of him by his society. So today we will discuss what is the role of education in Personality Development.

Education gives the power of positive thinking

Positive thinking allows a person to deal with difficult situations. Positive thinking attracts good things and that good things generally come in their way with positive thinking. If bad things occur then instead of being frustrated they believe things will be better in the future.


A person who desires a good personality should have self-confidence. Educated people have a more optimistic approach in life. They can easily express their views and put forth their point. Confidence raises through motivation and knowledge and through education people become knowledgeable. The lack of self-confidence.


Education can teach them how to talk to others. Education can also teach you what to speak and what not to. A self-confident person can easily talk with others. These people can easily express themselves and their point of view.

Creativity and Analytical Thinking

Education gives creative and analytical thinking to a person that makes him different from an uneducated person. It teaches us to analyze things from all angles. The educated person sees all the aspects of a problem and finds the solution in a logical way.


Truthfulness and trustworthiness are the building blocks of a personality. For smooth working, it is necessary that the inhabitants of the society should be truthful and trustworthy towards one another in day to day activities. Education helps to add these qualities in individuals. Both these characteristics are developed in students in schools and colleges.

Vigilance and Carefulness

Educate people to become vigilant about their rights and responsibility in society. Nobody can fool them easily because they can think logically and are aware of things. Carefulness is another quality that education develops in people. This quality that people should not behave selfishly in fulfillment of their needs. It teaches people to take care of others who are needy and cannot fulfill their needs themselves.

Education increases memory and thinking skills

Memory and thinking skills can be considered as showstoppers of your brain. Your memory and thinking skills can easily impress anyone. Sharp memory skills will help you to remember previously met faces or facts. Sharp memory and remembering facts makes a person’s personality unique and different.


Motivation is the factor in individuals that arouse, maintain, and channel behavior toward a goal. The student emphasizes learning to secure good scores or to obtain praise from others, and the good results lead to obtaining a good/ high prestige job and appreciation. Thus praise and prestige become motivation factors. It makes a person competitive and challenging.

Education teaches Ethics

Ethical knowledge is a feature of awareness between moral and ethical principles. Ethics differentiate us, humans, from other creatures. People with manners are having a better personality as compared to those who have bad manners.

Education develops healthy habits

Healthy habits can be associated with good manners. It includes how to eat, how to walk, how to talk, and many other things. These things are taught to students from the very beginning. These are the first things taught to them when they join the school. People become more hygienic and live in a clean and healthy environment. Educated people won’t do things like spitting on the streets, throwing garbage on the streets.

Education makes a person Disciplined

Discipline is always overlooked. But it is a very important characteristic of personality development. Discipline is what differentiates between man and wild. Obviously behaving wildly will show your nonserious attitude, an unwanted and unappreciated personality.


We conclude that the above-mentioned points really help in building the personality of a person and education plays a very important part in this. With education a person has confidence, intelligence with kindness and truthfulness makes a person’s personality good and this leads to a positive impact on our society.

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