“Society – the Critic”


Who determines if anyone is normal? Is it you? Me? Parents? Teachers? Or the Society?
We all have had a tendency to judge a person from his/her behavior, we have given ourselves the right to judge, as there is freedom of speech in the country through fundamental rights, but do we have the right to segregate those who are normal and abnormal? Depressed or non-depressed?

What is that definition or that clarity according to you, which outlines if a human is normal, happy, or depressed? A person living a happy life, or born with a silver spoon, can also be a victim of depression, anxiety, or any mental disorder! This is what we have not understood, not even trying to – “mental disorders” are always taken as a negative impression, victims are always treated hostilely. They are highly taken as “abnormal”, which for the society is a person who anyone shouldn’t be speaking with, playing with or friends with, but why? Just because they vary from/do not match our perspective of “normal”?

Depression is not a joke, whenever someone is sad or unhappy with their lives feel they are depressed. Well, that is definitely not depression; in today’s time depression is just sadness, nothing more – it actually means, a mental disorder in which a person has mood swings, loss of interest in various activities, anger, frustration, and not just sadness. A person suffering from depression may seem lively or productive in front of others, but inside they are broken, it is not easy to survive depression, it takes a lot to come out of it, and if anyone is willing to admit their disorder, stop making fun of them, saying it’s just a small problem, brother! “Take a chill pill”.

But, let me clarify for you, I am absolutely normal! How? Because I have not trespassed any so-called ‘norms’ laid out by our society. If a girl/woman/mother/sister/wife is seen wearing clothes she should not be wearing, we are sorry to tag you as ‘ab-normal’ but this is how it was and how it will be. Without knowing the actual meaning of this term (ab-normal), we try to best to give justice to people out there, who are ‘normal’.

If a woman, is behaving in a strange manner, or should I say, in a manner which is strange to us, we again term them as ab-normal people/citizens; irrespective of the fact that the woman is happy in what she is doing and how she is behaving. This is the society we live in and this is the society we have chosen for years – those people with conservative thoughts, are the ones to consider themselves as knowledgeable enough to be deciding on what is normal and what is not! We judge people on the basis of what has been taught to us our whole life, if a person is acting a certain way, make sure they shouldn’t be your friend, you should not play with such people. If someone is going through any disorder, be it depression, mental trauma, anxiety attacks, the aura they need should be filled with love and not criticism, we should take out time and help such people. These disorders can affect one’s emotional, mental, and physical personality and who knows if they suicide? Who is to blame then? The victim or our conservative thoughts filled with hatred, narcissism but criticism? There is a very common saying – “Live and Let Live”, but this is what we all need the most at this point.

Society is for everyone to have an equal say, live together, and not to degrade or defame someone who is not living their lives, the way you want them. It is your life and lives it the way you want, not how someone else wants you to. Make sure to live your life because it is just one chance and so when the time comes, you have nothing to regret about! #SpreadPeace&Love

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