That will change the way you look at life
654 shares8,897 views2
654 shares8,897 views2

That will change the way you look at life

moondela - Jul 06, 2016

Music, and more specifically lyrics, have a way of touching our hearts. Lyrics can affect our moods, unite nations, allow us to forgive one another, and change…

The healing properties of Music Therapy- Power of Music
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325 shares5,725 views
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325 shares5,725 views

The healing properties of Music Therapy- Power of Music

moondela - Jul 06, 2016

Though it’s been around for more than 100 years, music therapy as a distinct discipline has recently been cast in the spotlight for the role it played…

Nature spirits – elves and fairies of the forest
365 shares9,859 views
365 shares9,859 views

Nature spirits – elves and fairies of the forest

moondela - Jul 06, 2016

In the days when folklore and legend were a very real part of every day life for the ordinary common folk, spirits were thought to be everywhere.…

Easy ways to maintain a debt-free lifestyle
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956 shares3,872 views
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956 shares3,872 views

Easy ways to maintain a debt-free lifestyle

moondela - Jul 03, 2016

It might appear impossible, but many consumers succeed in living their entire lives without any debt. People of a variety of ages and income levels have made…

Everything tea, books, coffee, and journals.
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652 shares3,807 views
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652 shares3,807 views

Everything tea, books, coffee, and journals.

moondela - Jul 03, 2016

When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits center around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions…

How to survive without the internet on vacation
356 shares3,919 views
356 shares3,919 views

How to survive without the internet on vacation

moondela - Jul 03, 2016

Believe it or not, the internet has not always existed! For those of you too young to know a time without internet and for the rest of…

Spending quality  time together is very important
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962 shares4,796 views
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962 shares4,796 views

Spending quality time together is very important

moondela - Jul 03, 2016

A strong family finds that opportunities for quality time emerge from quantity time: The more time you spend together, the better chance you have of sharing quality…

That will happen when you wake up two hours earlier for a month
741 shares2,876 views
741 shares2,876 views

That will happen when you wake up two hours earlier for a month

moondela - Jul 03, 2016

Some of the most successful people in the world wake up early. I’m not talking about regular time. I mean so early that the average person is…

Floating Speakers, Neckbrace Audio, and Charming Caffeine Fixes
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526 shares7,038 views
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526 shares7,038 views

Floating Speakers, Neckbrace Audio, and Charming Caffeine Fixes

moondela - May 29, 2016

I am not a fan of cold weather. I tend to chase the forecast when I can, and find sanctuary in the warmth of the sun. Yet,…

Realistic life hacks for saving money on your wardrobe
452 shares6,791 views
452 shares6,791 views

Realistic life hacks for saving money on your wardrobe

moondela - Apr 04, 2016

There are so many articles out there telling you how to save money and cut corners. However, half the time the advice is so altruistic it would…